Dominican Republic Currency & Exchange Rates
Dominican Peso – Currency for the Dominican Republic
DOP – Currency code for Pesos
RD$ – Currency symbol
DOP to the US rate – most popular Dominican Republic exchange rate
Denominations/Bank Notes – 20RD, 50RD, 100RD, 200RD, 500RD, 1000RD, 2000RD
Coins/Centavos – 5 Centavos, 10 Centavos, 25 Centavos, 1 Peso
For the top DOP Exchange Rates and Currency Converter
Refer to currency site
Where Can I Exchange my Money in Sosua & Cabarete
You can exchange US & CDN currency at several different places when visiting the Dominican Republic:
- Banks usually offer the best rate however give yourself plenty of time as there is a tendency for long line-ups. Passport required.
- Caribe Express two locations in Sosua. Passport required. Good Rates.
- Currency Exchange Depots can be found throughout Sosua and Cabarete and are the most convenient. If driving by you can sometimes here the currency exchange employee yelling out “change”.
- Puerto Plata Airport also has a Currency Exchange for your convenience however may not be best rate. Passport required.
- ATM machines are plentiful and easy to find e.g. grocery stores, banks. You can use either a bank card or credit card. Your withdrawal will be converted to pesos.